The following examples only work with a X+V voice-enabled browser. If needed, you can get some help for the Opera browser.
Here is some spell-out for the word "role": role
Here are some digits: twelve plus 12 equals 24.
Here is a 1 second pause before, and a 2 seconds pause, after some text.
Here is a loud sound before, and a soft sound, after some text.
Here are some voice characteristics: I am a girl. I am a boy. I am a young woman. I am a young man. I am an old woman. I am an old man.
Here is some soft volume and some loud volume.
Here is some from the right, from the center right, from the center left, from the left.
Here is some slow rate text and some fast rate text.
Here is some low pitch text and some high pitch text.
Here is some low pitch range short text and some high pitch range short text.
Here is some reduced stress short text and some strong stress short text.
I will say this word on one second: elementary.
I will say this word on two seconds: elementary.
Here is the possibility to expand an abbreviation: CSS.
Here are some voice phonetics facilities: xxxxxx [tɒmɑtoʊ].