The Network of Excellence Cogain is a European project on communication by gaze interaction, mainly targeted to people with disabilities.
It is part of the IST priority of the Cordis sixth framework programme.
Reference [IST-2003-511598 (NoE)
], September 2004 to August 2009.
I am participating in this project in parallel with my PhD thesis at Risø National Laboratory.
I have contributed to the deliverable D6.1 "State of the art report of evaluation methodology" (PDF 243KB); in particular, I have written the appendix A on Web accessibility.
The full version of this appendix has been published in October 2006: "Content accessibility of Web documents: Overview of concepts and needed standards" Risø-R-1576(EN) ISBN 87-550-3546-9.
Dasher is a revolutionary text-entry interface, using a navigation type metaphor. The Dasher team, the inference group of Cambridge University, participates in Cogain.
Thanks to the flexibility of Dasher, I have been able to build a prototype showing how Dasher can be used to enter formatted text using a wiki syntax converted on the fly in a RTF document that can be printed or used in most text processors (see the result in RTF).
This prototype is using the Microsoft Windows hook API to extract the text entered in Dasher by the user. This hook is written in Borland Delphi. Here is a modified sample in a mini Pascal program to illustrate the hook:
DasherHook.pas program DasherHook; uses Windows, Messages; function HookDasher(): hwnd; var dasher:hwnd; begin dasher := FindWindow(PChar('Dasher'), nil); Result := FindWindowEx(dasher, 0, 'Edit', nil); end; function WmGetText(handle: hwnd): string; var wmTextLength: Integer; text: string; begin wmTextLength := SendMessage(handle, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); Inc(wmTextLength); SetLength(text, wmTextLength); SendMessage(handle, WM_GETTEXT, wmTextLength, Longint(@text[1])); Result := text; end; var dasherEdit: hwnd; text: string; begin dasherEdit := HookDasher(); text := WmGetText(dasherEdit); Write(text); end.
The wiki text is then transferred to a C#.NET application thru a network socket. The wiki syntax is transformed into RTF using basic regular expressions. Here is a modified sample to illustrate this process:
LiveWiki.cs using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace CogainLiveWiki { public class LiveWiki { ///<summary>List of regular expressions and their replacement</summary> private RegexReplace[] regexTable; private RichTextBox richTextBoxWiki; public LiveWiki() { this.regexTable = new RegexReplace[] { //\n new RegexReplace(@"$", @"\par", RegexOptions.Multiline), //=xxx= new RegexReplace(@"^=([^=\n]+)=[ ]*\\par$", @"{\fs44 ${1}\par}", RegexOptions.Multiline), //==xxx== new RegexReplace(@"^==([^=\n]+)==[ ]*\\par$", @"{\fs36 ${1}\par}", RegexOptions.Multiline), //===xxx=== new RegexReplace(@"^===([^=\n]+)===[ ]*\\par$", @"{\fs28 ${1}\par}", RegexOptions.Multiline), //*xxx new RegexReplace(@"^\*(.+?\\par)$", @"\pard{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1{\pntxtb\'B7}}{\pntext\f1\'B7}${1}\pard", RegexOptions.Multiline), // '''xxx''' new RegexReplace(@"(?<=[ \n])'''(.+?)'''(?=[ ,.\n]|\\par)", @"{\b ${1}}"), // ''xxx'' new RegexReplace(@"(?<=[ \n])''([^'].+?)''(?=[ ,.\n]|\\par)", @"{\i ${1}}") }; } public void DisplayWiki(string wiki) { richTextBoxWiki.Rtf = Wiki2RTF(wiki); } private string Wiki2RTF(string wiki) { wiki = "\n" + regexTable[0].regexPattern.Replace(wiki, regexTable[0].stringReplacement); for (int i = 1; i < regexTable.Length; i++) wiki = regexTable[i].regexPattern.Replace(wiki, regexTable[i].stringReplacement); return @"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fs20" + wiki + "}\n"; } } internal struct RegexReplace { internal Regex regexPattern; internal string stringReplacement; internal RegexReplace(string pattern, string replacement) { this.regexPattern = new Regex(pattern); this.stringReplacement = replacement; } internal RegexReplace(string pattern, string replacement, RegexOptions options) { this.regexPattern = new Regex(pattern, options); this.stringReplacement = replacement; } } }
This demo illustrates the possibility to use Dasher to enter more than natural language, and a simple possibility to produce formatted text documents. At this step in the Cogain project, there is a need to establish a common protocol to plug alternative text entry systems such as Dasher to other programs.
Follow-up of the Multi-modal Web browser project.
cogain-link-numbers.user.js // ==UserScript== // @name COGAIN link numbers // @namespace // @description Add a number after each link // @include * // ==/UserScript== // Greasemonkey script // Made by Alexandre Alapetite [] // for COGAIN European Network (function() { var alllinks, thislink; alllinks = document.evaluate('//a[@href]', document,null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (var i = 0; i < alllinks.snapshotLength; i++) { thislink = alllinks.snapshotItem(i); thislink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ('+ (i + 1) +')')); } } )()