By Alexandre Alapetite on 2010-01-19; updated 2012-07-05

Get a mobile phone’s Bluetooth MAC address through 2D-barcodes

It is often useful to know the Bluetooth MAC address of a smartphone from another device such as a personnal computer.

This page is a demonstration using a QR-code to make a logical link between the main device (e.g. a computer) and the targetted handheld device (e.g. mobile telephone) on which a mini Java or Android program will be semi-automatically downloaded to read and return its Bluetooth MAC address.

Requirements: This page is meant to be seen from a computer or any Web client. The targetted handheld is typically a mobile phone, which must have an Internet connection, a camera, and is either able to run Java programs (J2ME with MIDP-1+/CLDC-1+/Bluetooth-JSR82), or is running Android 2.0+.

As I have removed Java from this server, I do not do dynamic signing anymore, and only one user at a time is possible.

Bluetooth MAC address reader

All the steps below are to be done on your mobile phone:

  1. From your mobile phone, take a photo of the 2D-barcode below, using a QR-code reader (such as i-nigma).
  2. Your mobile phone’s Web browser will then download the Java or Android program and return its Bluetooth address to this Web page, after accepting a number of confirmations on your mobile phone.
  3. For information, the program will display the Bluetooth MAC address on your Mobile phone.
  4. You can quit the program.


Back on your computer:

Additional ressources

For expert users:
