-- //Number of levels from the root of the Web site, to this script, for automatic handling of Web sites which root is in a sub-folder of the Web server. //Set to -1 to disable this functionality. //For example, set to 1 if this script is in http://example.com/errors/ or http://example.net/~myWebSite/errors/ $distanceToRoot=1; //Root of the folder containing the redirection (404.txt files) $path404=(empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ? '.' : dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])).'/404/'; $customRedirect='/'; //To specify an optional custom HTML redirection after the error message $customRedirectTimeOut=5; //Delay in second before redirection to the optional above address $defaultNewServer=''; //Change the server for redirections using relative addresses: for example 'http://example.net:80' $allowASPmode=true; //Allow old addresses to be given as a parameter (ASP.NET mode, or to receive 404 errors from an external server) //---- //Get old address $oldUrl=''; if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) $oldUrl=substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0,1024); //Apache, IIS6 elseif (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) $oldUrl=substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],0,1024); //IIS5 else $oldUrl='/_unknown_'; //Do not use $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] (see Apache PHP module) if (($sc=strpos($oldUrl,'404;'))!==false) $oldUrl=trim(substr($oldUrl,$sc+4)); //IIS $oldUrlParsed=strpos($oldUrl,'://')===false ? @parse_url($oldUrl) : ''; if (empty($oldUrlParsed)) { $oldUrl='/_unknown_'; $oldUrlParsed=parse_url($oldUrl); } if ($allowASPmode&&(!empty($oldUrlParsed['query']))) //Special ASP.NET { parse_str($oldUrlParsed['query'],$oldquery); if (!empty($oldquery['aspxerrorpath'])) $oldUrlParsed=parse_url($oldquery['aspxerrorpath']); } $oldPath=$oldUrlParsed['path']; $siteRoot=''; //For the case when the Web site is not at the root of the Web server, such as http://example.net/~myWebSite/ if (($distanceToRoot>=0)&&(!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))) { $map404=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (substr($map404,-1)!=='/') $map404=dirname($map404); $map404=trim($map404,'/\\'); $dirs=explode('/',$map404); $nbSubLevels=count($dirs)-$distanceToRoot; for ($i=0;$i<$nbSubLevels;$i++) $siteRoot.='/'.$dirs[$i]; if (!empty($siteRoot)) { if (strcasecmp(substr($oldPath,0,strlen($siteRoot)),$siteRoot)===0) $oldPath=substr($oldPath,strlen($siteRoot)); if ((!empty($customRedirect))&&($customRedirect[0]==='/')) $customRedirect=$siteRoot.$customRedirect; } } //Search the best 404.txt mapping file in the file-tree structure $absolute='/'; $dirs=explode('/',$oldPath); //We do not do urldecode(), so special characters (e.g. space) of local folders must be %-encoded: ./404/Hello%20World/404.txt foreach ($dirs as $dir) if (strlen($dir)>0) { if (($dir[0]!=='.')&&is_dir($path404.$dir)) { $path404.=$dir.'/'; $absolute.=$dir.'/'; } else break; } $path404.='404.txt'; //Search in the 404.txt file for the first matching for $oldPath $newPath=''; $httpStatus=302; $found=false; if (is_file($path404)&&($handle=@fopen($path404,'r'))) { while (!feof($handle)) { $line=trim(fgets($handle,4096)); if ((strlen($line)<3)||($line[0]=='#')) continue; //comment or invalid $map=preg_split('"\s+"',$line,4); if (count($map)<2) continue; //invalid $mapOld=$map[1]; if ($mapOld[0]!='/') $mapOld=$absolute.$mapOld; if (@preg_match('"^'.$mapOld.'$"iD',$oldPath)&& ((($status=$map[0])==='gone')|| ((count($map)>2)&& (strlen($newPath=@preg_replace('"^'.$mapOld.'$"iD',$map[2],$oldPath))>0)))) { switch ($status) { case 'permanent': $httpStatus=301; break; case 'found': case 'temp': $httpStatus=302; break; case 'seeother': $httpStatus=303; break; case 'temporary': $httpStatus=307; break; case 'gone': $httpStatus=410; break; default: continue 2; } $found=true; if ($httpStatus!==410) { if (!empty($siteRoot)) $newPath=$siteRoot.$newPath; if (!preg_match('"^(?:(?:[a-z]{3,6}:)|(?:\.\./))"i',$newPath)) //No URI Scheme, and no ../ in front {//When it is possible and not already the case, make the redirection an absolute URL if (empty($defaultNewServer)&&isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $defaultNewServer=(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'http':'https').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']!='80') $defaultNewServer.=':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } elseif ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']!='443') $defaultNewServer.=':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } if (empty($newPath)||($newPath[0]!=='/')) //relative address $newPath=rtrim(substr($oldPath,-1)==='/' ? $oldPath : dirname($oldPath),'/\\').'/'.$newPath; } $newPath=$defaultNewServer.$newPath; } } break; } } fclose($handle); } if ($found) //Redirect if new address is found { if ($httpStatus===410) { header('HTTP/1.1 410 Gone'); header('Status: 410 Gone'); echo ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", empty($customRedirect) ? '' : ''."\n", '410 Gone'."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", '


'."\n", '

The requested resource '.$oldPath.' is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. ', 'Please remove all references to this resource.

'."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n"; } else { if (isset($oldUrlParsed['query'])) $newPath.='?'.$oldUrlParsed['query']; $status=array(301=>'Moved Permanently',302=>'Found',303=>'See Other',307=>'Temporary Redirect'); header('Location: '.$newPath); header('HTTP/1.1 '.$httpStatus.' '.$status[$httpStatus]); header('Status: '.$httpStatus.' '.$status[$httpStatus]); echo ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''.$httpStatus.' '.$status[$httpStatus].''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", '


'."\n", '

The document has moved here.

'."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n"; } } else //404 error message { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); header('Status: 404 Not Found'); echo ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", empty($customRedirect) ? '' : ''."\n", '404 Not Found'."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n", '

Not Found

'."\n", '

The requested URL '.$oldPath.' was not found on this server.

'."\n", ''."\n", ''."\n"; }